
I am Emily Tealady, 29 year old mother of one baby Nancy born in February 2013. I live in the South West with my partner Dan. I have no idea how to bring up a child. I’m hoping that this Blog will help me work it out as I go along and give inspiration to others.

I had an ectopic pregnancy in February 2012 which was the first pregnancy I had experienced, which was pretty hideous. I fell pregnant again and now have Nancy to show for all the heartache. So it has all worked out well in the end.

As well as being a clueless first time Mum, I am a LD Nurse and I enjoy my job immensely. Outside work My interests include Books (I love reading), TV, Movies and Music – the usual. I also follow Slimming World – I have only just started back, so let’s see how it goes!

I love to laugh and have a pretty good sense of humour, always ready to laugh at myself and my mistakes!

Please let me know what you think about my ramblings and if you have a baby around the same age or older It’d be great to swap notes!

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